Sunday 10 October 2010

Zimbabwe the Future?

If you asked anyone about the future of Zimbabwe, you would end up needing a psychiatrist to check if you were still in this world. Try asking the person next to you then another and another, until you have asked the same question to seven individuals.

You will find that the responses you get, that is if you can still remember the individual long convoluted remarks, show no end in sight, but just kindergarten aspirations and day dreams. The issue here is, but why? Are Zimbabweans gone potty? Is it that they have been beaten and squashed by Robert Mugabe and his ZANU PF to smithereens?

The simple answer is "YES". The once rich country, the shining diamond of Africa, yes the once bread basket of Africa is now a basket case. How ironic that Zimbabwe should think that the world is obligated to feed it. There is no greater failure of governing a country, as the failure to provide clean water for the people to drink. Failure to feed your own people. Not even your own currency.

Over 90% of the population is unemployed. The other 9% is employed as civil servants and the remaining 1% employed in some sort of pseudo private enterprise.

There is no need to waste my time in documenting further crazy issues that are perpetuated by the so called Coalition Government on the people of Zimbabwe and not only the people, but the country it's self.

OK you say, what's the solution? The solution will not come from the same rhetoric that we have heard for several years, or from the same individuals who have failed for decades to change the Zimbabwean situation.

Basically thinking that you can use the same methods to achieve a different outcome is insanity. Hence it goes without saying that the formation of new parties with a view of winning the elections in Zimbabwe is insanity.

How about ZAPU? I hear you ask. Well lets go to basics. ZAPU was a great party and need I remind every one that it was the mother of all Zimbabwean political Parties. It was also lead by a great leader Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo. However as everyone knows, when the chips were finally down, ZAPU lost. And why? Because people in Zimbabwe are still caught up in a time warp. They voted on tribal lines, nothing to do with issues.

I can categorically say: "The way people in Zimbabwe vote, will never change for the foreseeable future". However, never say never. Lets say in the next 40 years. Hence to think that the current divided ZAPU will succeed where Joshua Nkomo failed, beggars belief.

However for those who are comfortable with pseudo high sounding positions and some money in their pockets, it's understandable in this financial climate. But let's not fool the people. Especially the people of Matebeleland, they have suffered enough.

At times you need to understand ZANU's strategy. The formation of ZAPU as a opposition party is a master stroke to ZANU, as this will only split the MDC vote. Please note that thepeople, who voted ZANU in the last elections will never vote for ZAPU. However all ZAPU votes are nestled in MDC. Hence finally ZANU will manage to legitimize it's self by winning without resorting to rigging the elections.

I can also hear some of you asking, "What's the way forward then"? I am afraid that, a clean break for Matebeleland is the only way. I am one of those who was ambivalent with the late Chief Khayisa's views on Federalism. As time went on I began to realise that the old man was right. In fact who knows, that might have averted the genocide in Matebeleland. I was privileged to spend a day with the late Chief Khayisa Ndiweni a few years ago when he visited London. Naturally we discussed the issue in full and it was very clear what should have been done.

"What of Mashonaland and the rest?" I hear you ask. There is nothing wrong with what's left after Matebeleland has seceded. Mashonaland and Manicaland have also a right to their own self determination. Also dividing the country will solve the long standing issues including tribalism. Did I say dividing the country? In reality the country was never united. It was just  marriage of convinience.

Some will also ask where does Mthwakazi come in? Mthwakazi is in the right direction, but they need to not just talk the talk but walk the talk. Start seriously acting otherwise there is a danger of enjoying your own comfort zone and become a spent force.

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